Generally speaking, women are less involved in gambling activities than men are. At least that’s what statistics say. But the truth is more and more women show interest in online casino gambling. They perceive it as a relaxation method after a hard day of work, also a way of displaying their financial independence and an entertainment method, whenever they are offered the chance, like sipping a glass of wine once in a while, to forget about real life problems.
As promised, remains your most faithful resource of information, being highly concerned with revealing and popularizing women’s needs in terms of online gambling.
Many people still assume that women are going online only to play simple games like Slots or Bingo. These games are indeed very easy to play, you just have to pull the lever and expect the match of your bet or select numbers. However, the reality is different. Due to marketing campaigns, it seems like women are lately particularly attracted by table games. Although listed as male-oriented, table games involve more action, reasoning and strategies.
It’s interesting to observe how men and women’s perspective on gaming differs. While men play with determination and competitive spirit, women are more relaxed, focused on having fun and enjoying the moment. They also perceive online casinos as social networks where they could possibly meet new friends to share their passion with. With such an easy-going attitude there is no surprise that women win more often than men do! visitors will surely refuse to believe in misconceptions and will agree on the fact that there can be no rules as to where preferences go. Some women enjoy Slots, others prefer Blackjack or Poker, there’s no arguing about that. Many people would assume that poker is hardly a game for women, mostly viewed as male-dominated, but some examples can easily prove them wrong. And vice versa, men are prone to enjoying Bingo as much as women do; precisely, 30% of all bingo players are men.
What you probably don’t know yet is that some online casinos have committed to attract only women players. Men’s access is by no means forbidden but all the advertising campaigns launched by these operators are entirely directed towards getting female customers. How thoughtful and bold! After so many years of ignorance, online casinos are finally not only showing interest in female potential, but have decided to shape their business according to women’s taste and expectations. The new approach involves re-designing the casino website, inventing incentives to make playing more enjoyable for women and sometimes even creating game themes especially appealing to women.
As a result, the participation of women in online casino gambling activities has lately increased by 300%. Some websites have even thought about hosting Ladies Championships on different games to induce women into becoming more confident about their skills.
More and more women are turning to sophisticated casino games and continue to improve their expertise by practicing a lot at live dealer casinos.
All the online casinos listed at are women-friendly, displaying a favorable environment for both genders.