Online Roulette
Whenever you think of gambling, the first game that pops in the mind is a spinning wheel with a ball. A casino is incomplete without this spinning wheel either online or a traditional casino. The birth place of roulette is French in the year 1655. It was played in monasteries as a way of entertainment. In the late 1800 the game moved to America and then had its way to be the popular games in the casinos.
What make Roulette so popular? There are many reasons for it. First of all it’s the rules of the game. They are very simple and were laid down perfectly. It does not involve great mathematics. If you compare roulette with other games like poker or black jack, it is less complicated and does not have many variations. It is only essential to understand the basic rule of roulette. The basic and main goal of a roulette game is to identify the slot number where the ball will land. The landing of the ball does not depend on the previous ones. So it a new game every time the gamer spins the wheel and every time you need to guess differently. You might also notice that the same number appears many times when you play online roulette. If you want to make some quick money you can note down the appearance of a certain number and bet accordingly.
Second best thing that makes roulette special is, it is a very social game. Either you win or lose money you make a social network with which you would have a great time by chatting and laughing. It is a great way to make new friends.
Last but not the least is the game entirely depends on the player. Either you lose or win depends on the number you choose. So you can build your own strategies and your own methods in winning the game. If you are an experienced player you have more chances of winning. However, you need not worry if you are just a beginner you shall know the tactics of the game soon as it is very simple. The only influence of this game is money. You should not be distracted with the bets the gamer might attract you. You have to be choosy and picky with the available ones.
As any other game of gambling, online roulette has also different variations and they are European Roulette and American Roulette. The rules of both the variations are almost similar but as always, the game rules must be studied well before you start to play. European roulette variation is a popular one because it does not have a slot called 00 and it decreases the house edge by 2.63%. Casinos make a lot of profit when a player opts for American Roulette, because it has the 00 slot in it which increases the casino edge by 5.26%. There is another variation called Roulette Royale which is less popular. The rules of this variation are also same but it will allow you to win a huge jackpot if the same number is hit 5 times in a row.
So, find out an online casino of your choice and start playing one of the popular and ancient games in the world.