Online casinos refers to those casinos that can be played with the use of the internet in one’s own personal computer without making the effort of visiting casino studios in order to obtain the pleasure of gambling. Such online casinos are expected to use aptly programmed random number generators for the successful and authentic execution of gambling. However, fraudulence is often observed not only on the part of the operator but also on the part of the player. Unreliability on the part of the operator is observed primarily when the online casino refuses to pay withdrawals promptly, probably with the intention that the gambler might continue with his gambling operations with the account and suffer losses.

The second aspect of fraudulence on the part of the operator is observed, though comparatively less frequently, is the cheating of software with rigged payouts. Such software is technically proved to cheat the gamblers. Such online casinos that bear the ill- reputation of distrust are termed as rogue-casinos, ascribed by the community of online casino players. Now, moving to fraudulence on the part of the gambler, there are four methodologies detected, by which the player can take undue advantages of online casinos. First, the player can create more than one account in order to take the promotions ascribed to new gamblers or even make use of the bonus packages. Such gamblers are named as “bonus whores” and “bonus hunters”. Secondly, it is illegal on the part of the online casinos to allow two or more people from the same household to have player accounts unless they undergo rigorous verification process. Sometimes, gamblers from the same household can successfully create separate player accounts by giving faulty information regarding them.

Thirdly, giving invalid payment information that might include unauthorized use of credit cards or even invalid banking information leads to disablement of the player account when detected. Such behavior can be called ‘cheating’ on the part of the player/gambler. Fourthly, an online casino holds the right to disable a player’s account if he or she is repeatedly found to be disconnecting the gaming process prior to its conclusion in order to avoid losses.

Despite such behavior, online casinos still continue to operate and the most frequently used games available online are Baccarat, Roulette, Blackjack, Online slot games and online poker. Online Casinos aids in gambling operations though the use of the internet connection and are regarded as counterparts of their traditional land casinos operating in casino studios. They are expected to be reliable and honest on the part of the operator and on the part of the player as well. Unfortunately, they are often marked with fraudulence leading to distrust and unreliability.