A directory of online casinos is like a bible to the player. You might ponder over the necessity of having a directory. But remember that a directory helps you to choose the best casinos and avoid the shady operators out there. The importance becomes all the more clear to you when you consider the fact that the rules and regulations surrounding the online casinos are not very clear which has led to a mushrooming of these operators.
Though the online casinos are in operation from 1996, it will be hard to pinpoint on the establishment which pioneered this unique concept. Many of the casinos can now stake a claim to that glory. Remember that in United States casino promotion is encrusted with lots of problems because of the punctilious regulations of the country.
The main obstacle is that because of the rules it is technically illegal to deposit money at any online gaming establishment. However, the big shots have not refrained from making money through online gaming or expanding their operations.
So what is the secret behind all these?
A concept called ‘affiliate marketing’ has come into play. There is an agreement between the online casinos and the web marketers whereby the former pays a fee for each player the web marketer canvasses for them. The result is awesome. Online casino portals try to push different casinos in a hope of getting a big payment. The portals also advertise all the freebies that the casinos are offering. Thus the player gets a wealth of information about the various promotions and offers that the various casinos are offering. This helps the player to make an informed decision.
Another benefit that can be derived from the directories is that they provide strategies and reviews of the sites for the players. Thus the players can fully understand the rules of the game before making any cash deposit and start playing. This is a boon for beginners as they get saved from making silly mistakes.
Reviews help the players to know about the trustiness and the reliability of a particular casino. Customer reviews are more important than webmaster reviews as the formers are honest, straightforward and on the basis of personal experiences only. Majority of the directories includes customer reviews.
God online directories are of immense help as they provide customer reviews, searches and strategies for the player.