Craps is the only game which provides so much fun, excitement & thrill & that too with only two dice. The basic rule of Craps includes a first throw. This is the combination of the outcome when the two dice are thrown. In case of getting a 7 or 11, it is termed as a winning roll. An outcome of 2, 3 or a 12, means that you have lost. In case there is some other outcome in the first throw, which can be 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10; you will once you get the same value in the next throw. In case you are able to get a total on the first roll that is neither a win or a lose in Craps, like 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10, you are said to have got a point. A win in Craps can also be termed as natural. In case you place a bet in Craps before the come out roll, which is on whether the dice will win or will it pass, it is termed as a Pass Line Bet.As per the history of the game, Craps is a popular game at the various online casinos. This is because the house advantage in this game is a pretty reasonable 5.72%. Just as this game has two dice, similarly there are two rounds also in each game. These rounds are the “Point Round” as well as the “Come Out Round.” A minimum of one player has to be there per game.

The shooter is supposed to roll the dice when his turn comes. At this time, the players make a pass line bet or they can make a don’t pass bet. In case the shooter rolls a 7 or 11 , the person who made a pass line bet wins. And in case the result is 2 or 3, the person who made a don’t pass bet wins. If the result is 12, it denotes a guaranteed win. Craps is the other term which stands for a losing roll.

The shooter needs to put up a stake first. The rest of the players can place a bet which is against the shooter. But the amount they bid has to be up to the stake that the shooter has placed. There are many variations. The bettors may bet against each other. The bettors may bet against the house too. The bet against the casino can be on the basis of the outcome of one roll. The other variation is to wager on the basis of a series of rolls of both the dices. Other betting options are based on the sum or on a specific roll. Once a shooter wins, he is allowed to continue to roll.