Online casino games are classified into different types depending on the interface, availability of the player or the user and time that is to be utilized for playing online casino games. Online casino games are classified into three types: Web based online type, Download version based type and Live based type:

Web based online casino games: Web based allows user to play online casino games online without downloading the software or loading files related to the gaming software. To get the taste of web based online games, your computer should have very advanced graphic accelerator card to give you taste of real time picture and distortion is minimum .Due to the involvement of high resolution and animation ,it is always recommended to use high quality graphic card with minimum memory of 1 GB. Sound quality of your system should be very clear and loud to get precise sound effect. Due to the presence of animation and graphics in the online casino games, they are normally held in the browser such as macromedia flash. Web based games are played directly through the web with the help of browser plugging instead of downloading and saving it on your computer.

Download based online casino games: Such type of games is downloaded first on the computer and then played .Various website allows downloading of gaming software and giving access to the user. Download based online casino games run much faster than web based games, reason behind animation, graphics and sound programs are stored in the software instead of fetching it from internet or web. This feature allows games to run fast and smooth. Downloading software for any game initially takes time depending on the quality and the contents of the game but once it is downloaded, player can simply run executable file from the stored directory to start and run game. Advantage of Download based online casino games is saving broadband charges and the speed and clarity of the game is increased.

3. Live based type: Online casino games in live based type gives the impression and taste of live real time gaming. These Online casino games are made on real-time gaming concept and have 3D features that make the entire system very eye-catching and attractive. Live based games are played online instead of downloading the software. Live based gaming is the best of three types that gives the live entertainment and effect of the real time game.