Addiction to anything it may be heroin, nicotine or gambling has some causes behind it. here people go behind certain things though these things do not give them any satisfaction, they just do it because of their addiction to that particular thing. Surprisingly, for a change they can control the things they are doing. The addiction is not affected by bad health or the negative effects of addiction on them. The disorder is seen the players playing online casinos, casino games or card games. This can result in financial crashes, decline in social status and even though rarely it can affect the family relationships also. When there is addiction of gambling then neglecting the responsibilities, anti social thinking and acts and going away from the surrounding world are the signs. Imprisonment is the final stage of this addiction.
The signs and symptoms start developing and it requires a year to prove the signs of addiction to gambling. Inability to control anger, problematic relationships and problems in understanding oneself are the things which drive the person towards gambling and then its addiction.
The online casinos and the real casinos affect an individual in a very same way. As online casinos are easily reachable through net the addiction for online casinos can be more than the real one.
The reason to go for casino is to prove to be successful in the very first shot. Generally after playing for some time the feeling to make it goes off but then gambling is sustained to beat the feelings of half-heartedness and insipidness. Then he keeps failing in gambling also and then fall into the inhuman circle.
The gambler keep betting for higher and higher is to maintain the sentiment again and again. For example in online poker game the layout is the addiction thing. After winning the first game the players keep playing further to win all the consecutive games. At this time they do not think about the belongings after the game.
Men having the age more than thirty and generally those they have groomed in large cities get entrapped in gambling. The women also can get addicted to gambling but for then the age is midlife.
Approximately one percent people have obsession for gambling and about two third of people suffer from problems due to gambling. In conclusion the compulsive gamblers and the gambling offers have strong association.