When you compare online casino with traditional casino both are almost similar with mild difference. Today a casino enthusiast can make use of the online casino and play the game of their choice from their home. The advancement in the internet has given this facility to the online casino players. Online casino is classified into three types namely; the web based online casino, live based and the download-based.Web based online casino This type of online casino does not require any software download. You just need to log in to an online website to join the game. But you need certain browser plugins like Macromedia, flash or java to represent the games. These plugins will help you to load the graphics, sounds and other animation of the game through the web. Also you need browser support for these plugins in your system if you want to play a web-based online casino. There are also few websites that has the facility to play web-based online casino through plain HTML interface. But these are used only in few sites as the graphics and sound quality is not so good.

Download based online Casino

Download based online casinos require some software which has to be downloaded from the casino web sites. You can play the game only after installing the software in your computer. Through this software you can connect to the casino service provider. Download based online casino has the edge when compared with web based one. This type is fast as it does not load graphics or sounds from the internet. The reason for the speed is that all the multimedia effects are inside the downloaded software. The only risk with this type is that there is possibility of malware in the downloaded program but this is uncommon. But most of the online casino lovers prefer software based online casino for superior graphics.

Live-Based online Casino

This online casino will give the effect as if you are in a traditional casino. There are lots of casino studios available worldwide. Through this live-based online casino you can see, hear and chat with the players and dealers hence you will have the feeling of playing in a real casino.

Online casino games are getting more and more popular after the entry of the internet. What ever may be the type of the casino you choose, the enjoyment and amusement you arrive through online casino is amazing.