Online casinos have become a major hub on the internet. Maximum share of revenue earned on internet is shared by these online casino sites. Challenge and excitement are the two things which are common among all of the human beings since there existence on the earth. Everyone likes fun and if earning money is combined with fun then it makes it more exciting challenge among the players. With so many online casino sites on the internet it becomes a biggest challenge as to trust which site. Which site is more reliable and trustworthy? While deciding for such sites always look for there contact numbers and verify there address before trusting them and giving your personal information to them as there may be some sites which are fraud. Verification is compulsory otherwise you may be cheated by these fraudulent online casino sites. Always look for the contact numbers and then verify the site before the playing. If the site does not have contact number or address and only shows the email ids then the chances of online casino site being fraudulent are higher. It becomes difficult to have trust on these online casino sites. Always look for its registration because every earning site has it’s registration before allowing the payment to its clients. You can also look for the previous record of gamblers, reliability of there software playing machines. Never give your personal and other credit card information to the sites on which even you have a slight doubt. Otherwise you might have to suffer for your whole life. No doubt these online casinos have come up with great advantage for the gamblers but they are riskier too. These gambling sites have given chance to the online casino scams. For the starters online casinos also offer free game plays so that the individual get better knowledge of the game and the tricks applied in the online gambling before making any type of deposit. This is an advantage to the gambler before they start playing in online casinos. These casinos are just like the traditional casinos wherein all the opportunities and amenities are provided in form of promotional offers and bonuses. This means that the online casino which offers all the amenities of the land casinos have greater chance of being reliable. Always go for the casino site which offers attractive offers apart from the basic amenities which every site provides with wide variety of games often with better odds.