As far back as 1981, IGT has been an American company of solid repute, and one that has always prided itself on delivering the very best in software, games and network systems to a worldwide audience.
From the design of such software, through to the making and distribution process, IGT is one of the world’s frontrunners in computerised software systems.

Even back in the early days, during it’s infancy, IGT was creating video poker machines, as well as the world’s first slot machine system. This unique experience in creating casino games, marks it out as being the predominant leader in online casino technology.

Having made healthy acquisitions during the 1990’s, including companies in the UK, IGT began to really make a mark in the casino gaming industry. It wasn’t until the new millennium dawned, however until IGT witnessed a huge growth in their particular market and the group have never looked back.

Acquiring further companies to help solidify and progress further their own unique strengths in the field, IGT excel in the online casino games market. Featuring plentiful live streaming videos, coupled with beautiful graphics and animation, the IGT experience is surely one of the internet’s top casino opportunities not to miss out on.

Focusing particularly on the slots, where their dominance is unsurpassed, IGT has continued to grow and develop new ideas and creations for slots. IGT were first to feature 2-for-1 wagering, a Multiway spinning reel game and also the popular buy-a-pay concept. They also revolutionised 3-D animations within their interfaces. The user experience is obviously number one on the agenda for IGT, and they relentlessly seek to break new ground in the casino game’s arena.

IGT, unsurprisingly, offer their full range of top games via an interactive mobile phone network too, so you can use the service whilst on the go, whenever suits you. This capability is a great way to explore the IGT experience and share in it’s stand out qualities with others too.
Indeed, there are specific games for the mobile market only, and this serves as a great incentive to check it out on your phone and tell others too.

IGT isn’t only expert in slot games. They don’t want to be known for only one area and so offer a wide array of all the nation’s best loved games. All their table games are included as well as a beautiful video poker game. IGT clearly want the user to enjoy and come back to the interactive brilliance it constantly delivers.

IGT believes in spreading the word of it’s technological expertise and demands several views of it’s products. The website is easy to navigate and importantly, is not overly fussy either. Their experience in the industry clearly pays dividends and the user is never treated with anything other than the utmost of respect. For this reason alone, as well as IGT consistently featuring in American top 100 lists for design and computing, they should be considered as a first port of call for casino gamers everywhere.