www.Onlinecasinoportal.net uses cookies and some other Internet tools mainly to enhance the users’ experience, but also to upgrade the website performance. Cookies, or browser cookies (also called tracking cookies), are small text files encrypted to perform certain functions on websites, such as remembering various settings or enabling ads to be activated. So, their performance generally begins when a browser loads a web page or an online ad is triggered.

The information provided by cookies contributes to memorizing and analyzing the visitors’ preferences, in order to ensure a better online experience. It is also used to create website statistics concerning users. www.Onlinecasinoportal.net uses a variety of cookies to collect personally identifiable information with a view to explore statistics and display ads based upon each user’s interests and browsing history.

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To improve our content and to ensure a delightful online experience for our users, we sometimes embed elements from third party websites, which may be presented with cookies. Please note that www.Onlinecasinoportal.net is not responsible for the dissemination of these cookies. You are advised to consult third party cookies policy in order to find out how to control them. Third parties do not have access to any personally identifiable information that you submitted to www.Onlinecasinoportal.net.

www.Onlinecasinoportal.net reserves the right to update this policy anytime, especially when new cookies are implemented, or existing cookies removed, based on the existing legal requirements.